Title One Program
South Point Elementary is committed to ensuring that every student receives the most effective reading instruction possible. Teachers carefully examine data from classroom work as well as reading measures including but not limited to: FastBridge aReading, FastBridge Curriculum-Based Measures (CBM) and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Growth Measure Reading Assessment. When data indicates that a student may benefit from additional literacy support, small group intervention is provided through our Schoolwide Title One program. These services are in addition to daily classroom reading instruction and may include the following:
Read Naturally programming:
1. Funēmics (Phonemic Awareness)
2. Signs for Sounds (Phonics and Spelling + Phonemic Awareness)
3. GATE (Phonics and Fluency + Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary and Comprehension)
4. Encore II Phonics Series (Phonics focus + Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension)
5. Encore II Sequenced Series (Fluency, Phonics, Vocabulary and Comprehension)
Heggerty programming:
1. Bridge the Gap: Intervention Lessons (systematic lessons targeted for students in 2nd grade and above who are not yet proficient with phonemic awareness)
Title One Diagnostic Assessments:
1. Phonological Awareness Screening Test (PAST) by Kilpatrick
2. Phonics and Word-Reading Survey from Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS)
3. Read Naturally Quick Phonics Screener
4. Read Naturally Quick Spelling Screener
5.Basic Spelling Screener for grades K-2 and Advanced Spelling
Screener for grades 3-5 from LETRS