At Central Middle School we recognize that middle school students are emerging adolescents who are experiencing profound changes in growth in the intellectual, physical, social and psychological areas of their lives. These changes call for a unique learning environment where individuals can mature, achieve success and be challenged at their own developmental rate.
Intellectually, middle school students are moving from concrete to abstract thinking.
Physically, middle school students need to understand and accept the changes in their bodies while assuming responsibility for their own well being. Socially, middle school students are more involved in peer relations and the need for peer acceptance.
During this time, students are seeking their identity. Positive self-esteem, the need for recognition, and the need for success in both academic and social situations are critical.
The middle school provides an environment that allows transition for the students as they move from elementary into high school years. The middle school education builds upon skills acquired in previous learning experiences and provides an opportunity to explore new areas of interest that will give direction for future choices. It is essential that the atmosphere of the middle school and the attitude of the staff be child-centered.