Homecoming Queen Coronation

Emmy Heisler is our 2019 Homecoming Queen! Here are some shots from today's coronation. Please forgive the picture quality. Updated photos via the Exponent will be posted later.

Freshman Attendant Alyson Stanislawski escorted by Caleb Zejdlik

Sophomore Attendant Anina Gehrls escorted by Spencer Egeland

Junior Attendant Kasumi Lee escorted by Brandon Anderson

1978 Homecoming Queen Robyn Werman Cash crowned our new queen. Here she is escorted by Mr. Loer.

Queen Candidate Kaylie Bies escorted by James Helgeland

Queen Candidate Haley Burger escorted by James Denmark

And our 2019 Homecoming Queen Emmy Heisler escorted by Andy Roufs!