Gordon Amb
Gordon Amb graduated from Crookston High School in 1943. He continued his quest for learning in the armed forces, until he was called to serve in the Army infantry during World War II as a machine gunner in Germany. He also was stationed on the Philippine Islands. He returned to the US and finished his Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics Education from the University of North Dakota. Where he received many honors, including being 2nd in his class. He also earned his Master’s of Education from UND. His first teaching job was in Warren, MN where he taught for 2 years, but the bulk of his career was spent at East Grand Forks Senior High, where he, at one time or another, taught every kind of math class offered, he taught a few history classes, and was advisor to the Honor Society. He was highly respected by his students and will always be remembered at Senior High admonishing them to “Think Harder!”
David S. Eikenes
David graduated from Concordia Academy in Moorhead, MN in 1922. He received his Bachelors Degree from Concordia College in 1926, and in 1941, he received his Masters Degree from the University of North Dakota. He taught and was an administrator in many small towns in North Dakota before becoming Superintendent in Warren, MN. He then became the Superintendent for Ind. School District 595 in 1957 and served in that position for 17 years until 1974. During his tenure as Superintendent at East Grand Forks, many building projects were started and finished including: Crestwood Elementary, the Senior High School, an addition to the Junior High School, an addition to River Heights Elementary, The Area Vocational Technical Institute and the Red River Cooperative Center. The Area Vocational Technical Institute was dedicated to him in 1975.
Kim Krostue
Kim graduated from East Grand Forks Senior High School in 1967. While in school, he participated in football, basketball and track, was a member of the National Honor Society, was Student Council President, and sang in the choir. His many accomplishments include, earning 10 Varsity Letters throughout his high school career. Being named WCCO All State in basketball in 1967, led the team in scoring and named All City 3 consecutive years in basketball. Was a finalist at the State Track meet in low hurdles in 1966 and helped his team to win back to back Region 8 track championships. He received scholarships to Dartmouth College where he lettered 3 times in track and also played basketball. After earning his BA in Mathematics, he was awarded a NDEA Title IV Fellowship to attend the University of Kansas where he earned a Masters Degree in Mathematics. He has spent his professional career with IBM where he heads their global services division.
Robert Sorensen
Robert graduated from East Grand Forks Central High School in 1952. While in school, he participated in choir, band, boys quartet, soloist, operettas, class plays, and original oratory. He also played football, basketball, Legion baseball, and was chair of Student Council. He was named All City in basketball and received Minnesota State Superior awards for voice and original oratory. He earned his BA from Concordia College, his Masters from Northwestern Lutheran Theology Seminary, and his PhD from the University of Iowa. He was ordained a Lutheran pastor in 1960 and his career involved him in both the church and education as a pastor, teacher and administrator. In 1987 he was the first person elected as Executive Director of the Division for Higher Education and Schools of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the highest elected educational office in the world’s second largest Lutheran Church. He held responsibilities for the ELCA’s 28 colleges and universities in the United States, and had oversight of some 100 Campus Ministries across the country. His other area of work was to strengthen and develop the ELCA’s 2500 nationwide early childhood education centers, elementary and secondary schools. Over his career he was awarded honorary doctorate degrees, and received a Bush Leadership Fellowship.